MicroPhySci Kit Standard 2nd Edition The MicroPhySci Kit 2nd Edition provides an academically challenging laboratory curriculum for students in grades 7-10. It is intended as the laboratory portion of a physical science course providing a full year of labs. The MicroPhySci Kit is designed to make teaching and preparation very convenient for the instructor. It contains all materials necessary except for a few common household items. The kit contains sufficient materials to do every experiment five times. The kit is mostly complete - complete inventory list is below (taken from the online description) with missing components indicated: MICROPHYSCI KIT CONTENTS: Equipment Manual - missing (could probably be found online) Aluminum bar Battery, 9 volt Beaker, 150 mL Beaker, 30 mL Candle Cart Compass Cord Cotton swabs Diffraction grating Electrolysis device Foam cups Foam cup covers - missing Forceps Graduated cylinder, 10 mL Graduated cylinder, 50 mL Index cards Iron filings Labels, blank - missing LED light source and circuit tester Lenses Lens holders Magnets Measuring spoon Mirrors Molecular Model Kit Paper clips Pea Seeds Pipet, Graduated Pipet, Plastic 9” Plastic lever Plastic straws Polyethylene ( PE ) rod Protractor Pulley, single Pulley, tandem Reaction plate, 24 well Reaction plate, 96 well Resistors Rubber bands Ruler Safety goggles - missing Set of nine objects for model Slinky Spring scale Steel (iron) bolt Steel wool Stopwatch Support board Tape measure Test tubes Thermometer Washers Wood splints Wool Chemicals Calcium nitrate, 0.1 M Copper nitrate, 0.1M Food coloring Hydrochloric acid, 0.1 M Litmus paper Magnesium sulfate crystals Potassium iodide, 0.1 M Sodium carbonate, 0.1 M Sodium hydroxide, 0.1 M Universal indicator paper Lab Experiments: 1. Scientific Investigation 2. Metric Measurements 3. Extremely Large Measurements, The Solar System 4. Density 5. Motion 6. Newton’s Second Law 7. Friction 8. Impulse and Momentum 9. Energy 10. Work and Power 11. A Lever: A Simple Machine 12. Pulleys 13. Weight of a Car 14. Buoyancy 15. Thermal Energy and Diffusion 16. Electrostatics 17. Electrical Circuits 18. Magnetism 19. Sound Waves 20. Light Waves 21. Musical Instruments 22. Visible Light Spectrum 23. Plane Mirrors and Mirror Applications 24. Convex Lenses 25. Nuclear Decay Simulation 26. Percentage of Oxygen in Air 27. Chemical Reactions 28. Enthalpy of Reaction 29. Electrolysis of Water 30. Parts Per Million 31. Solution Concentration 32. Freezing Point Depression 33. Acids, Bases, and Indicators 34. Comparing Antacids 35. Carbon Chemistry 36. Organic Chemistry: The Chemistry of Life