Title: HOLT SCIENCE Inquiry Lab L EVEL: Grade 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 (HIGH SCHOOL) Product Type: WORKBOOK Publisher: HOLT, RINEHART, AND WINSTON Date: 2001 ISBN-10: 003054419X # of Pages: 150 Condition: NEW This Workbook Includes: Life Science Labs Earth Science Labs Physical Science Labs Answer Key These labs tap students' natural curiosity and creativity with a focus on the process of discovery. Includes teacher's notes, student worksheets, and an Answer Key. Look at the Pictures above for samples of the workbook pages. To the Teacher: Teacher's Preparatory Guide Student Worksheets Answer Key Assessment Classroom Tested & Approved Click Here to Visit Our Store We love to serve Teachers, parents, tutors, homeschoolers, and students WE LOVE QUESTIONS - Feel Free to Ask about ANY products (we only have 10% of our stock on eBay and have TONS of Teacher's Resources) Combined shipping on multiple orders Check back often. New items added everyday. SEARCH our eBay STORE! Enter ISBN#, grade level, Title, or other keywords like "Harcourt" or "Video". Visit Us Now Sent media mail (which can take 2-6 weeks during the heavy Holiday times) unless another form of shipping is directly requested and purchased. REMEMBER: Once we ship, it is up to the carrier to get your item to you - Look for your Tracking Number. Please check your address in both Paypal and eBay - Is it current? Auctions CLICK HERE FOR SPECIAL DISCOUNTS & COUPONS Feedback